Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Family is Everything

I have always found comfort knowing that the group of misfits I call "family" have always been there for me when I needed them. Although they can drive me nuts sometimes, I wouldn't be the person I am today without them. Chris McCandless was able to leave his willingly. This is something that I believe that I will never be able to understand. Also, I believe that because these people have impacted my life so greatly and believed in me wholeheartedly, is one of the many reasons I am successful today.
My parents have always encouraged me to peruse my dreams and have supported me in everything I do. I am indebted to them for life, for giving me life, and shaping the person I am today. (In order from left to right: Lauren my mom, Larry my dad, Tony my step dad, and Denise my step mom) I aspire to be like they all. My mother inspires me to never give up, no matter how much you want to and how it may be easier if you do give up. My dad inspires me to always be hard working and never take the easy way out. My stepdad inspires me to balance family and business and to know that you can be successful and still be happy. And My stepmom inspires me to know that if you get knocked down ten times, get up eleven. 
My sister Hayley makes me want to pull my hair out half the time but I could not imagine going a day with out talking to her. She is my best friend, confidant, teacher, and inspires me everyday. She pushes me to do better, constantly pushes me to try new things, and drives me nuts in the process hahaa. But, whenever things get really bad she is always the first one to try to brighten the situation. 
My grandpa Jon is one of the smartest people I know and always has an opinion on everything. I want to know that I have helped people as he has, and know as much about psychology and working with patients as he does when I am his age. My grandma Judy is one of the strongest people I know. Her determination knows no bounds and her positivity is astounding. I want to be able to see the bright side no matter how consuming the dark is as my grandmother does. 
My best friend Kirsten challenges me to consider other options and that laughter is the best medicine. I have known her since we meet the first day of third grade, and she is like family to me. It is comforting to know that I don't have to experience tough times without her by my side. 
And last but not least, my to big brothers Michael (left) and AJ (right). My brother Michael reminds me everyday that we may get sidetracked in life, but if we can over come it great things can come to us. My brother AJ reminds me that you must be happy in what you do, and if your not, it is never too late to go after what will make you happy. 

I couldn't think of any better role models than those of my closest family members. Each one has brought knowledge and inspiration into my life and has shaped me today. I could never leave them as Chris did, and own my success to their constant support.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to feature the importance of family. I enjoyed the photo essay you put together. Thanks for sharing.
